Промышленное оборудование для заправки автокондиционеров, вакуумной инфузии и формовки
{"add_item_success":"You've just add a item to cart","qty_not_enough":"Quantity is not enough","have_to_agree_privacy_policy":"You have to agree Privacy Policy","have_to_agree_term":"You have to agree Terms & Conditions","have_to_choose_a_payment_method":"You have to choose a payment method","have_billing_address":"You have to have a billing address","have_to_fill_address":"You have to fill address information","add_review_success":"You added review successful","captcha_is_not_correct":"captcha is not correct","checkout_stripe":"Checkout stripe","checkout_stripe_gateway":"Checkout by stripe gateway","confirm_delete_attribute_option":"Are you sure you want to delete this option ?","confirm_delete_customize_attribute":"Are you sure you want to delete this customize attribute ?","at_least_one_filter":"You've need choose at least one filter in tab Product Type","confirm_delete_variant":"Are you sure to delete this variant ?","can_create_variant":"Now you can create variants"}
Комплект ниппелей для автокондиционера, 134 штуки
1900 руб.
Комплект ниппелей для автокондиционера. Комплект собран из ниппелей для наиболее популярных марок автомобилей.
Комплект ниппелей для автокондиционера. Комплект собран из ниппелей для наиболее популярных марок автомобилей.
В комплект входит 134 ниппеля.